Telefonica I+D

Telefónica Innovación Digital (TID) is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Telefónica, S.A. (parent company of the Telefónica group) committed to carrying out the Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D+I) activities in the field of telecommunications, telematics and information systems, as well as to nurturing the Telefónica group with the necessary support elements for its development.

These activities are primarily directed, though not exclusively, towards the study and preparation of documentation for Product Development, Exploratory Development, Applied Research, Technological Reports, Situational Studies on techniques and technologies, Testing Services, Quality Control, and Audits. Among the most relevant activities of the company are the following: The specialization, or cooperation, and the exchange of scientific and technological information and knowledge either through the creation of joint ventures or participation in consortia with third-party companies Provision of technical assistance services, professional training, as well as the exchange of scientists, engineers, and other specialists.

Maintenance of technological and commercial knowledge under any form of legal protection, including industrial or intellectual property. Organization of seminars and other events on specific topics related to the communications sector and information digital technologies. The undertaking of joint research projects with cost sharing and work distribution under specific agreements. Participation in sponsoring activities jointly with universities and other public institutions, both national and international.

Engagement in activities and providing services in the areas of telecommunications, information society and communication services Investment activities in the communications and information technology sector in the broadest sense, at the national and international levels, through the acquisition or participation in the capital of national or foreign companies established or to be established in this sector.

Role in the ELASTIC project:

Telefónica Innovación Digital plays a key role in the ELASTIC project, focusing on advancing next generation network service and AI orchestration. TID’s involvement centers on leveraging cutting-edge technologies like WebAssembly, Confidential Computing, Federated Learning, and edge computing to enhance network and AI efficiency, security, and flexibility.