Meet our Partner: Technical University of Crete


TUC plays a pivotal role as the Project Coordinator for ELASTIC, a project that aims to redefine service orchestration within 6G networks. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as WebAssembly and Confidential Computing, ELASTIC seeks to enhance network functionality and bolster security across diverse infrastructures.

TUC’s Role in the ELASTIC Project

TUC leads the development and integration of the IDS and cryptography hardware module into the ELASTIC framework and will be actively involved in demonstrating the project’s innovations through both pilot applications. This role highlights TUC’s commitment to advancing connectivity services and ensuring robust security through cutting-edge research and practical solutions.

About TUC

The Technical University of Crete (TUC), founded in 1977, is highly active in basic and applied research, funded by various external grants including those from the European Union and private businesses, and involves many students in its numerous R&D projects across fields like telecommunications, high-performance computing, and biomedical applications.

Meet the TUC’s Team

Prof. Sotiris Ioannidis – ELASTIC Project Coordinator  

Despina Kopanaki – ELASTIC Project Manager

Dr. Gregory Chrysos – Postdoctoral Researcher