Did you know that the ELASTIC project is enhancing 6G with WebAssembly and Confidential Computing for better security and performance?


Did You Know?

ELASTIC is enhancing 6G networks by integrating technologies like WebAssembly and Confidential Computing to improve both performance and security across different infrastructures.

What is ELASTIC?

ELASTIC focuses on advancing 6G networks using technologies such as WebAssembly, eBPF/XDP, edge computing, and Federated Machine Learning. Its goal is to improve how services are delivered and how networks function.


Security Focus

ELASTIC places a strong emphasis on security, using Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to protect sensitive data and ensure secure, private operations for all network stakeholders.

Project Objectives

  • Improve executable isolation for better efficiency and security.
  • Design secure serverless systems for handling various workloads.
  • Develop confidential and privacy-preserving environments for safer data use.
  • Orchestrate 6G and IoT workloads efficiently and securely.
  • Support 6G technology standardization and future deployment.

Why ELASTIC Matters

ELASTIC is shaping the future of 6G by making networks more adaptable, efficient, and secure, ensuring they meet growing connectivity demands.