Christian Gehrmann of Lund University Presents ELASTIC Project to Dutch Cybersecurity Delegation


On May 21, Christian Gehrmann, Ph.D., from Lund University, an ELASTIC Project partner, presented the ELASTIC project during a visit by a Dutch cybersecurity delegation. This event was part of a broader matchmaking and information exchange initiative between Sweden and the Netherlands, focused on exploring the latest trends and innovations in cybersecurity technology.

Dr. Gehrmann provided an overview of the current research initiatives within ELASTIC, with a particular emphasis on advancements in confidential computing and access profiles. The Dutch delegation, comprising cybersecurity professionals, offered valuable feedback on these developments. This input will be thoughtfully integrated into ELASTIC’s ongoing work to refine and enhance its cybersecurity solutions.

The collaboration with international experts, as highlighted by this event, reinforces ELASTIC’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in cybersecurity. The feedback received will guide the project’s future direction, ensuring that the solutions developed are both robust and aligned with the evolving needs of the industry.